In this page you will be able to find several projects carried out by different associations that work on the Iberian wolf’s protection and reintroduction.


A manifest that defends the Iberian Wolf and asks for the approval of plans that work toward its conservation and recovery. This manifest also works towards achieving a change in the management model that allows the wolf’s coexistence with extensive livestock farming and the rural world in which it lives.


A non-profit and non-governmental organization that works to promote a general knowledge on the Iberian wolf, its dissemination in order to facilitate the coexistence between humans and wolves, and further encourages the long-term conservation of the wolf population in the Iberian Peninsula.


An association whose project aims to

  1. Modify the negative perception held by some rangers, managers and owners of hunting farms located in Sierra Morena.
  2. Raise awareness among the rural population about wolf conservation problems, working for a change in mentality towards a more favorable attitude towards this animal.
  3. Improve the information and knowledge that the rural population has about the wolf, especially among hunting and livestock groups, recovering its image for local culture.
  4. Know the real attitude that the rural population of Sierra Morena has regarding the wolf.
  5. Raise awareness of the added value that the wolf can have for the rural economy.